The Stoic Mentor - Stoic Mentoring for Everyday Life

Stoic Mentoring

What is Stoic Mentoring?

Stoic Mentoring is a structured approach to personal development that combines the principles of Stoic philosophy with practical guidance. Stoic mentoring guides a mentee towards cultivating virtues like wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance, which are central to Stoicism. Through Stoic Mentoring, individuals learn how to apply Stoic principles to everyday life and approach life’s challenges with resilience and equanimity. This mentorship process often includes self-reflection, philosophical discussion, and applying Stoic techniques to everyday situations, helping mentees develop a stronger, more resilient mindset.

Stoic Mentoring

How Does Stoic Mentoring Work?

Stoic mentoring builds resilience through cultivating a mindset that aligns with Stoic values. Through the mentoring process we will focus on the following values: 


Focus on What You Can Control

In Stoic mentoring, mentees are encouraged to concentrate on their own actions, thoughts, and attitudes rather than being concerned about external circumstances beyond their control.


Embrace Adversity

Stoic mentoring teaches that challenges and difficulties are opportunities for growth. By facing adversity with a calm and composed mind, one can build resilience.


Virtue as the Highest Good

In Stoic mentoring, living a virtuous life—guided by wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance—is the ultimate goal. Mentees are guided to prioritise these virtues in their decisions and actions.


Rational Thinking

A key aspect of Stoic mentoring is developing clear and logical thinking, enabling mentees to respond to situations in a measured and thoughtful way, rather than reacting impulsively.


Emotional Regulation

In Stoic mentoring, mentees learn to manage emotions by understanding that feelings are the result of interpretations and judgments. By altering how they perceive events, they can maintain emotional equilibrium.


Mindfulness and Presence

Stoic mentoring emphasises being fully present in each moment. Mentees are encouraged to practice mindfulness, focusing on the present rather than dwelling on the past or being too concerned about the future.


Acceptance of Impermanence

In Stoic mentoring, mentees learn to accept the transient nature of life. Understanding that everything is temporary helps mentees cultivate a sense of peace and acceptance, even in the face of loss or change.

How Stoic Mentoring Works

A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Inner Strength and Tranquility


Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, we’ll build rapport, explore your current challenges, establish your goals, and introduce core Stoic principles for practical, everyday application.

Starting your Stoic Mentoring journey


Goal Setting

Together, we’ll define clear, actionable goals that align with Stoic principles, ensuring they are practical and tailored to your personal aspirations and values.

What do I want to Achieve through Stoic Mentoring?


Principles Introduction

In this session, we’ll delve into essential Stoic concepts such as control, virtue, and rationality, discussing how these principles can transform your approach to life’s challenges.

Stoic Principles for Everyday Application



We’ll reflect on your personal beliefs, behaviours, and responses through a Stoic lens, helping you identify areas for growth and opportunities for applying Stoic teachings.

Where am I at with Practicing Stoicism?



In this phase, we’ll focus on applying Stoic techniques to your daily life, guiding you in integrating these practices to handle challenges and make decisions effectively.

Stoicism in Practice


Progress Review and Reflection

We’ll review your progress regularly, discussing what strategies have been effective, addressing any obstacles, and adjusting your plan to ensure continued alignment with Stoic principles.

Review and Reflect



We’ll consolidate the Stoic practices you’ve adopted, review your growth, and prepare you for ongoing self-improvement, ensuring you’re equipped to continue applying Stoicism independently.

Consolidate What You Have Learnt


Follow Ups

Follow-up Stoic mentoring sessions can be scheduled as required. to keep the momentum going.

Follow-up Sessions to Keep the Momentum Going.


Long Term Check-Ins

To help you stay on track with applying Stoic principles in your day-to-day life it is recommended to schedule check-in sessions every few months.

Check-ins to Stay on Track

Contact Dr JC Coetzee

Let's Begin Your Stoic Mentoring Journey

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Essential Stoic Reading

Practicing Stoicism requires a good knowledge of Stoic Principles.