he core Stoic virtues are four fundamental principles that guide ethical living and personal development in Stoicism. These virtues are:

  1. Wisdom (Sophia): The ability to judge what is right, true, and lasting. Wisdom involves practical knowledge, sound judgment, and the ability to discern the best course of action in any situation.

  2. Courage (Andreia): The strength to face fear, danger, and adversity with determination and inner strength. Courage is not just physical bravery but also the moral courage to stand by one’s principles.

  3. Justice (Dikaiosyne): The commitment to fairness, integrity, and treating others with respect and equality. Justice involves acting with consideration for the common good and maintaining moral responsibility.

  4. Temperance (Sōphrosynē): The practice of self-control, moderation, and balance in all aspects of life. Temperance helps in regulating desires, avoiding excess, and maintaining harmony within oneself and with others.

These virtues are interrelated and form the foundation for living a good and meaningful life according to Stoic philosophy.